Teams may start the game with 4 (legal) players.
A player must arrive by the start of the second half to be eligible to play in the game.
There will be a 5 minute grace period for the first game (there are no grace period thereafter)
Teams will be allowed at least a five minute warm up
Games will consist of two 20-minute halves
Clock will stop on any dead ball during the last 2 minutes of each half.
Each team is allowed 2 one-minute (Full) timeouts per half with no carry overs. Each team will also have 1 (:30 second) time out and this time out may be carried over until the second half if not used in the first half.
Overtime - 3 minutes with running clock, except timeouts and the last 2 minutes will be the same as regulation. Each team will have 1 time out in overtime. No carry over from regulation.
Each player will be allowed (5) personal fouls before fouling out on the fifth foul. One and one bonus will apply on the seventh (7) team foul; (10) team fouls will result in a double bonus (2 free-throws).
If a player receives 2 or more technical fouls/or ejected from a game, he will be suspended at minimum of 1 game (his team next scheduled game).
“Dunking” is allowed
Substitution - player(s) must be at the scorer's table to enter the game (must wait for the referee to beckoning you in).
In the final minute of the game, a team may use a timeout to advance the basketball to half court. This is known as the "advancement rule."
Official scorekeepers and timekeepers are provided by the league (Weekly results are posted on the website).
For any league record ties, the following guidelines will determine final seeding for playoff brackets:
1. Head-to-Head competition
2. Unsporting technical foul total
3. Coin Flip
Playoffs will be single elimination
1073 Providence Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28207