Teams must have a minimum of 8 players with a max of 12 players on their roster.
Players must be 18 and older and out of high school. (Players who are currently playing in college or has any form of pro level, (NBA, ECBL, TRBL, ABA, etc) former or current overseas players are “ineligible” to play in this league! All players are ran through a pro data base upon registration.
A team may add a player(s) if the team has lost a player for the season, once the player has been ruled out he cannot play another game that season. If a player is loss, the team has 5 days to replace him, if a player is loss the last week of the season, that roster spot cannot be replaced! (Player has to be approved by the commissioner of the league).
Any team using an ineligible player(s) shall automatically forfeit all games in which the ineligible player participated. If a team uses a player under an assumed name, that team jeopardizes the present and future involvement in the league. Each game played with that player shall be forfeited to the opponent.
A player who registers on gameday is ineligible to play that game.
Player’s must play in at least 3 regular season games to be eligible for tournament play.
Roster is due 1 week prior of opening night
Team roster are frozen after the 2nd game (Exception – Loss of player(s) due to season ending injuries).
A player MAY NOT play for more than one team in the league within a season.
A player cannot register and be eligible to play on the same day (exception to this rule has to be cleared by the league coordinator).
Once game schedules have been posted... there will be NO rescheduling unless there is a problem with the gym being used.
Head coaches are responsible for the conduct of their players
Foul language will result in a technical foul…
Spectators are not allowed on the court during, between, or after the games.
There are mistakes made at every level of basketball when it comes to the referees and that includes the recreational level. “We are all human and will all make mistakes.”
A team that incurs four (4) unsporting technical fouls in one game must forfeit the game at the time of the fourth foul. A roster member (player or coach) charged with two (2) unsporting technical fouls during a game will automatically be ejected from the game.
All unsporting technical fouls are accumulative for the team. Once a team has accumulated (8) unsporting technical fouls (team &/or individual player) the team will automatically forfeit the next game whether regular season or tournament. *Please note... technical fouls are the second tiebreaker when seeding or whether a team makes the playoffs.
A player ejected from the game will automatically receive a minimum one-game suspension from the next scheduled game.
An individual player who accumulates four (4) unsporting technical fouls will be suspended from the league.
If a player has been ejected, he may stay to support his team unless deemed otherwise by the official(s) or league commissioner.
1. SMOKING OR DRINKING is not allowed on the property. Teams reported as violating this policy will be removed from the league immediately.
2. No food or drink (outside of water and sports drinks used during play) is allowed in the gym.
3. Be respectful of the church property and church members when on the Myers Park Outreach Center campus, which includes parking lots. Loud music, cursing, or loitering on the property may result in removal from the basketball league.
4. Please do not change clothes inside the gym, please use the restroom/locker room or exit tunnel in the gym to change.